JEC - Jura Energy Corp
JEC stands for Jura Energy Corp
Here you will find, what does JEC stand for in Firm under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Jura Energy Corp? Jura Energy Corp can be abbreviated as JEC What does JEC stand for? JEC stands for Jura Energy Corp. What does Jura Energy Corp mean?The Canada based company is located in Calgary, Alberta engaged in oil & energy industry.
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Alternative definitions of JEC
- Junta Electoral Central
- Jewish Educational Center
- Jóvenes Estudiantes Cristianos
- Justice Excellence Courage
- Jazan Economic City
- Jardine Engineering Corporation
- Jardine Engineering Corporation
- Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.
View 53 other definitions of JEC on the main acronym page
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- JDT Just Driver Training
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